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Special one-time offer, only $47 $27!
Important: Once you clarify your message and start having conversations that sell, you’ll want to map out your next launch, campaign, or funnel. When you join this course, you will literally get Anne’s EXACT launch maps, all you’ll need to do is learn the process and then copy her Get to Work templates and get organized! This is Anne’s exact process working with clients and students over the past decade. ($27)

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Learn What To Say Before, During, and After Your Launch with The Message Lab

we're opening a brand new beta round for my new course:

This course teaches how to find your voice, message, and what to communicate at every phase of your launch or sales process.  We are running a brand new beta round to get feedback & testimonials on the program and training we just added before we close the beta round again. 

Make sure to use the coupon "BETA" to save the $900.

A Look Inside
Here's What You Get:

✓ 4-part Message Lab Framework so that you know what to say, send, and publish every phase of your launch.

✓ "Get to Work" Trello Boards and Asana Templates so you can download and get to work!

✓ Templates for Webinar Launches, Solo Launches, and more!

✓ Monthly Voxer Office Hours

✓ Private Facebook Community

✓ BONUS: Challenge Marketing Workshop

✓ BONUS: Beta Launch Workshop

✓ BETA ONLY BONUS: Group Voxer Q & A Access w/Anne

$897 $97
use coupon "BETA" to save $800
(expires when beta round is full)

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Message Lab$897

All prices in USD
